Smart Dustbin with IoT: Arduino, Python, Kotlin & Azure
Building a Smart Dustbin with IoT Introduction This project involves the development of a Smart Dustbin using Arduino, Python, Kotlin (Android App), and Azure IoT to monitor and manage waste levels in real-time. By integrating sensors, cloud computing, and mobile applications, this system enhances waste management efficiency. Components & Technologies Used Arduino Uno & ESP8266 WiFi Module for sensor data collection. Ultrasonic Sensors to measure garbage levels. Servo Motor to control the bin lid. Python & Tkinter GUI for real-time monitoring. Kotlin Android App for mobile notifications. ThingSpeak & Azure IoT Hub for cloud-based monitoring. Hardware Implementation Arduino Code for Garbage Level Detection & Smart Lid Control The Arduino Uno, paired with an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, measures the bin’s fill level. The servo motor automatically opens the lid when an object is detected nearby. ...